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Repetitive strain injury: When movement causes pain

Repetitive strain injury: When movement causes pain

Repetitive strain injury is the discomfort or pain caused by repeat movements. It can get serious in the absence of adequate care and rest in the early stages
Repetitive strain injury is the damage, discomfort or pain brought on by repetitive motion
Repetitive strain injury is the damage, discomfort or pain brought on by repetitive motion

From household chores to exercises, many physical exertions and activities mark a typical busy day for most. At times people experience pain in their muscles or joints while performing these activities. The pain, which is usually brushed aside as a “catch” or “stiffness”, is brought on by straining the muscles or joints while performing tasks. Adding stress to the affected area may lead to repetitive strain injury, a condition which can be mitigated through rest and proper care in the initial stage.

What is repetitive strain injury?

Repetitive strain injury is the damage, discomfort or pain brought on by repetitive motion (repetitive activities, rigorous strain or remaining in prolonged or awkward positions).

“The muscles might experience some degree of wear and tear with every movement of the body, referred to as microtrauma,” says Ajeeta Goel, a sports physiotherapist from New Delhi. “The muscles and tendons become strained when someone continues to perform the same task intensely. Repetitive strain injury results from this kind of tension in the muscles and tendons.”

Delhi-based sports physiotherapist Paridhi Ojha adds, “Injury from repetitive strain affects ligaments, tendons, nerves, muscles and more. Incorrect technique [while playing sport or doing fitness activities] might also result in these kinds of injuries.”

The body’s initial response to this type of recurrent stress is inflammation, the first step in the healing process. However, if it repeats, the inflammation does not reduce and gets worse. 

“When inflammation embeds itself permanently in the tendons and muscles, it might result in two conditions – tendinitis [inflammation of tendon] and tenosynovitis [inflammation of the tendon and its sheath],” says Goel, “It could be related to your neck, elbow, thumb, knees or shoulder. These two conditions could happen in any instance of repetitive strain injury.”

Who is susceptible to repetitive strain injury?

Repetitive strain injury can affect professional athletes as well as regular folks. Despite their higher levels of fitness, agility, mobility and strength, athletes are also susceptible to this condition due to the high intensity of their movements.

“When people are unaware of their bodies, they continue to overwork each and every muscle,” says Goel. “These injuries can happen even though they lead an active lifestyle. Sometimes, people experience pain in the thumb, wrist or elbow if they use mobile phones continuously for a long time. It might result in repetitive strain injury if they continue the same activity neglecting the pain.”

Common symptoms 

It starts with discomfort in the affected area which is usually ignored since it subsides with a little rest. However, the pain increases as soon as the person starts the task again. Gradually, the intensity of the pain will increase due to repetitive strain.

“Along with pain, people may also experience tenderness in the surrounding area and occasionally stiffness, weakness or tingling sensations,” says Ojha.

Prevention of repetitive strain injury

The causes of repetitive strain injury vary. A severe condition can be avoided if one provides adequate care and rest in the early days. 

“People who have desk jobs should take a short break every one to two hours,” says Goel. “Stretching the muscles that the person consistently uses, will lessen the strain on them. It is important to give an athlete’s muscles a good cool-down, especially if they were under a lot of tension during a game or training. Foam rolling, applying ice packs and stretching are also some of the activities that they can include.”

Household chores such as washing dishes, cleaning and other activities can also result in repetitive strain injury. Mixing up the chores and not repeating it frequently, can help prevent strain build-up.


In the initial phase, specialists advise rest, applying ice packs, medications and physiotherapy. Surgery is a last resort, recommended in extreme cases.

“Inflammation can always be reduced by taking medications after consulting a doctor, after which one can begin working on strengthening and stretching the muscles,” says Goel. “There are also a lot of therapeutic modalities in physiotherapy that help in reducing pain and inflammation. It enhances the body’s healing process. But the consultant must advise on the pace and degree at which they are needed.”

Goel vouches for ice packs saying they play a significant role in conservative treatment. “Using ice packs for 10 minutes every two hours in the initial days reduces inflammation. Resting from the specific activity that is aggravating the condition is also crucial,” she adds.


  • Repetitive strain injury is discomfort and pain brought on by repetitive movements.
  • The symptoms include pain, tenderness in the surrounding area, stiffness, weakness or tingling sensations.
  • It can be prevented by taking sufficient breaks from the activity, proper cool-down, warm-up sessions and stretches.
  • Medications, physiotherapy and applying ice packs are the treatment for the initial phases.

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2 Responses

  1. Very informative, well-authored article and guide to avoid repetitive strain for the layman.

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