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Yoga poses that will help relieve period cramps

Yoga poses that will help relieve period cramps

These easy-to-do poses will help you get through the pain during periods

21-year-old Alisha Joseph does not want to get up from her bed and refuses to talk to everyone during her periods. “The pain is unbearable and sometimes nauseating. In fact, I get irritated even with the simplest of things during those days,” she says. Her story is shared by women across the globe.

While spending the day on the couch or bed to feel better might be an option for some, it might not be a sustainable practice for many. Yoga practitioners share these simple-to-do yoga poses to tackle the pain. These poses might not make the pain go shush, but it just might make it tolerable. Read on!

Pigeon pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

yoga pose
Photography by Goutham V

According to a Bengaluru-based yoga practitioner, Iti Jain, it helps to stretch and relax your legs, hips, and entire pelvic floor.  Practising this pose daily improves hip flexibility and mobility. The pigeon pose has a lot of variations. It is important to learn from an expert before doing it.

“It is a great pose for the lower back and hips because a lot of pressure is applied there while doing it which helps during menstrual cramps,” says says Bhavna Yadav, a Delhi-based yoga teacher.

Wide Child pose (Prasarita Balasana)

Yoga pose
Photography by Goutham V

According to Yadav, this restorative pose is calming and relaxing, and it helps to release tension by soothing the nervous system. “During the period cycle, it is one of the best poses to practice because it helps stretch the back and spine and helps in the circulation of the blood,” adds the practitioner from Delhi.

Butterfly pose (Badhakonasana)

Yoga pose
Photography by Goutham V

“This pose is helpful for the pelvic region, helps relieve pain from the hips which can be quite comforting to the one practising it,” says Yadav. According to her, practising this pose can reduce the stiffness and pain they feel in their back, stomach, hips, and thighs.

This asana is a stretch for a person’s hips and glutes and helps the pelvic muscles to relax, adds Jain.

Wide-legged forward bend pose (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Yoga pose
Photography by Goutham V

This is a very diverse asana which is known for stretching. “It stretches the entire lower body, improves the blood flow, and sends the blood towards the heart and the head. It stretches the calves, back of the knees, thighs, and hip. It helps to strengthen the lower body and it also helps with overall body flexibility,” says Jain.

Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Yoga pose
Photography by Goutham V

This simple, relaxing, and calming posture, Jain says stretches the calves and removes any tightness and stiffness around the ankles and calves. It also increases blood circulation to the heart and head which has soothing benefits.

“When we do this asana, there’s a deep stretch at the back of our legs. At the same time, we are pressing our palms down on the mat, such that our back and arms are engaged; it’s a deep set for the entire body which helps relieve abdominal pain,” explains Yadav.

Apart from the above poses, Yadav suggests practising the Corpse pose (Savasana) and gentle breathing exercises.  They can be very beneficial during menstruation because they provide the needed peace and calm by relaxing the muscles, focusing the mind, and removing any anxieties or worries.

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