5 benefits of mid-day napping

A siesta or mid-day naps of 20-30 minutes has varied benefits on individuals' health, and at the same time, oversleeping can make you obese. Here are a few health benefits according to the experts.

Mid-day naps help our brains to process memories and better retention of information. While naps less than 90 minutes improve cognitive functions, longer naps have adverse effects on the same.

Improves cognitive function

Some individuals feel extremely sluggish and unfocused after lunch. Mid-day napping can help them recharge quickly and boosts their efficiency and productivity throughout the rest of the day.

Enhances productivity

During sleep, our bodies undergo physiological changes that increase the levels of happy hormones like serotonin and reduce the stress hormones like cortisol. Mid-day naps therefore help in relaxation.

Lowers stress

Daytime naps can compensate for insufficient sleep at night; they can reduce fatigue and replenish energy levels. Certain studies report that napping during the day can benefit night-shift workers.

Reduces fatigue and renewed energy

Mid-day napping can drive away feelings of frustration and impulsiveness. A study showed that afternoon naps ranging from 10–60 minutes boosted positive mood, however prolonged nap can make you obese.

Improves mood

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