5 neck exercises to fix your posture

Neck exercises help in maintaining a strong and healthy neck. For beginners, start with gentle exercises to avoid strain or injury. 

Neck tilts

Sit or stand with your back straight. Gently tilt your head to the right, bringing your ear toward your shoulder. Hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.

Neck turns

Hold your back upright and slowly turn your head to the right, looking over your shoulder and hold for a few seconds. Repeat on the left side.

Neck flexion and extension

Gently tuck your chin toward your chest (flexion). Hold for a few seconds and return. Then, gently tilt your head backwards (extension). Hold for a few seconds and return.

Neck resistance exercise

Place your hand against your forehead. Apply gentle pressure as you push your head forward, resisting the force with your neck.

Shoulder shrugs

Stand or sit with your back straight. Slowly raise your shoulders towards your ears, then lower them.

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