5 tips to stay healthy through balanced fitness

- Nataraj N

When it comes to fitness, it’s not wise to push yourself to the brink of exhaustion. A workout routine comprising the right balance of exertion and recovery is crucial to leading a healthy life.

An efficient fitness regimen comprises strength training, cardio, flexibility exercises and adequate rest. It’s vital to detect your strengths and weaknesses and design a workout routine accordingly.

Customize your workout

Progressive overload, which refers to increasing the intensity of your workouts gradually, is important to achieve gains. A lack thereof can cause muscle plateau, even leading to muscle atrophy.

Progression is key

Proper recovery allows your muscles to repair and strengthen while preventing overtraining. Whether it’s getting a massage, taking breaks or sleeping, a period of rest is crucial for desired results.

The vital role of recovery

Pay attention to any weakness, tightness or side-to-side differences. Understanding how you can get injured and being wary of the signs can save you a lot of time and pain.

Keep injuries at bay

If there’s a spike in your resting heart rate when you wake up, it could be a sign of insufficient recovery. Also, if you wake up feeling tired and sore, you should take the day off from training.

Watch out for overexertion

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