5 vaccinations recommended for elderly people

Immunity weakens with age, making people vulnerable to several infections. Experts advise those above 65 to take certain vaccines to protect themselves from such infections.

This vaccine prevents pneumococcal infections, which can give rise to conditions like pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and meningitis. According to experts, a single dose of the vaccine is sufficient.

Pneumococcal vaccine

The Shingrix vaccine protects elderly people against shingles, a viral infection that causes a painful rash. The CDC recommends that older adults get two doses of the vaccine with a gap of two to six months between each dose.

Shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine

This is a booster shot that provides protection against pertussis (whopping cough), tetanus and diphtheria. The vaccine should be taken once every 10 years.

Tetanus, diphtheria & pertussis (Tdap) vaccine

This prevents liver infections caused by the hepatitis B virus, which can lead to liver failure over time. The dosage should be as per the latest recommendations.

Hepatitis B vaccine

Older adults should take the quadrivalent influenza vaccine in autumn, allowing enough time for the immunity to develop. The vaccine should be taken once every year.

Influenza vaccine

The vaccines can come with side effects. Elderly people must be aware of them and discuss the same with their doctor before getting jabbed. They should also stay updated with their immunization records.

A word of caution

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