5G in Healthcare

5G technology has the potential to revolutionise healthcare by enabling exciting new applications and enhancing existing ones. Some of these applications include: 

Remote patient monitoring

5G's high bandwidth, low latency, and reliable connectivity enable real-time remote monitoring of patients' vital signs.


5G facilitates high-quality video conferencing and data transmission, enabling remote consultations, diagnosis, and treatment particularly in remote or rural areas.

Robotic surgery

5G's low latency allows for precise control of robotic surgical systems enabling advanced procedures and expanding access to specialised care.

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)

5G networks can support immersive AR and VR experiences, which can be used for medical training, surgical planning, and even remote surgery.

Emergency response

5G can enhance communication enabling real-time data transmission from ambulances, drones, and other emergency response systems.

When AR powers robotic surgery
