6 ways to manage sleep debt

"Sleep debt" is described as the accumulation of insufficient sleep. Adults, on average, require around 7-9 hours of sleep a day, and if a person does not get the required, it accumulates as sleep debt.

Catch-up on lost sleep

Increasing the sleep you get over a short period by going to bed early, waking up late, or taking naps in between can ensure better sleep.

Create a sleep-friendly environment

Studies have shown that certain environmental factors can also impact sleep. Hence, the room should be quiet and comfortable to ensure a restful sleep.

Limit screen time before bed

Blue light from gadgets can interfere with sleep and take you longer to fall asleep. Keeping the gadgets away at least an hour before bed can help you get good sleep.

Limit alcohol and caffeine intake

Consuming alcohol before going to bed can suppress melatonin, which is needed to fall asleep. Avoiding the consumption of alcohol and caffeine can help manage sleep debt.

Practice relaxation techniques

Following relaxing activities like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing meditation before bedtime can help reduce stress and ensure good quality sleep.

Seek professional help

If you are experiencing sleep problems for an extended period, seek help from a sleep specialist. This will reduce the risk of long-term health conditions like diabetes.

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