8 common myths about blood cancer

Lack of awareness about blood cancer often leads to delays in early detection and seeking treatment at the right time, say experts

Myth: Blood cancer is fatal and undiagnosable

Fact: More than 90% of the blood cancers are curable and can be diagnosed promptly and accurately. When detected early and treated properly, one can lead a normal life.

Myth: Blood cancer is contagious

Fact: Blood cancers like leukemia, myeloma and lymphoma are caused due to mutations in the blood cells, not infection or bacteria. They are, therefore, not contagious.

Myth: Blood cancer is hereditary

Fact: Despite some causes of blood cancer being unknown, the condition is caused by gene mutations, which may be triggered by lifestyle habits like excessive smoking.

Myth: People with blood cancer cough up blood

Fact: This is not seen in the initial stages — subtle symptoms like unexplained weight loss and tiredness are more common. When they are ignored, serious signs like coughing up blood may be seen.

Myth: Hair loss after chemotherapy is permanent

Fact: Hair loss is caused by the medication used in chemotherapy. But, this is not permanent and the hair can regrow after three to six months of therapy.

Myth: People with blood cancer should not consume non-vegetarian food

Fact: A person with blood cancer can have non-vegetarian food like chicken, but is advised to stick to a home-cooked diet to avoid infections.

Myth: Everyone with blood cancer must undergo bone marrow transplant

Fact: Bone marrow transplant is often considered the last treatment option. Certain types of blood cancers can be managed by targeted therapies such as oral medication.

Myth: Alternative treatment methods like Ayurveda are more effective

Fact: Opting for alternative options like Ayurveda can delay the treatment, causing the condition to worsen.

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