Can non-stick pans lead to liver cancer?

Forever chemicals in non-stick pans are linked to an increased risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (a type of liver cancer).

Research says…

Forever chemicals are a common class of persistent pollutants. They stay in the body for many years and can transform a normal cell into a cancerous cell by damaging the DNA.

What are forever chemicals?

Forever chemicals (PFAS) are found in common household products like non-stick pans, raincoats, gym accessories, food packaging, and even in some makeup and drinking water due to groundwater pollution.

Where are these chemicals found?

These chemicals can get deposited in the liver and transform a normal cell into a cancerous cell by damaging the DNA. It gradually leads to cirrhosis and then cause liver cancer.

How do forever chemicals affect the liver?

Forever chemicals are associated with testicular cancer, kidney cancer and cancers of the ovary, uterus and thyroid.

Other cancers caused by forever chemicals

Experts suggest switching to iron, ceramic or stainless-steel utensils. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercises and a proper diet.

How to reduce the cancer risk?

7 factors that can affect your liver health
