Can people with diabetes have desserts?

According to experts, people with diabetes can indulge in sweets if they’re prepared in a healthy manner and accompanied by certain lifestyle modifications.

Those with diabetes shouldn’t have dessert right after meals. If they crave something sweet, it’s crucial to skip the rice or roti and replace it with healthy and fiber-rich vegetables.

Cut down on carbs

It’s best to have sweets in the afternoon and then limit carbohydrates at night. Experts recommend having protein-rich foods for dinner on the day one indulges in desserts.

Timing is key

Ensure regular exercise

Engaging in physical activity is vital to burn the extra calories. Aerobic exercises like walking, jogging or swimming can help keep blood sugar levels in check.

Avoid milk and gluten

Many people are unaware of their lactose and gluten intolerances. Hence, experts suggest preparing desserts without milk and wheat, as they can cause digestive issues.

Opt for natural sugars

Natural sugars found in dried fruits like apricots, dates and figs can be used to prepare desserts. In addition, burfis made with ghee and seeds can make for tasty teatime snacks.

Busting 8 common diabetes myths
