Desk essentials for workplace ergonomics

Prolonged sitting could lead to conditions like cervical spondylitis, upper trapezius strain or supraspinatus tendonitis. Maintaining proper workplace ergonomics can help prevent these.

Desk necessities

From ergonomic chairs to separate mouse and keyboard setups, certain desk tools are essential for maintaining a healthy ergonomic environment.

Choose the right chair

When purchasing an ergonomic chair, consider factors like its height, seat depth, seat pan, gap between calf muscle and seat edge, lumbar support, backrest and mobility options.

Use external keyboard and mouse

Using a separate mouse and keyboard lets you position the screen at eye level, reducing strain on the neck and eyes. It also promotes an upright posture and maintains the spine's natural curvature.

Get a laptop stand

With a laptop stand, you can elevate your device to eye level, promoting better posture. For optimal spine health, pair it with a separate keyboard and mouse.

6 ways to free your upper back and neck muscles
