6 exercises to relieve back pain

- Asik Banerjee

Back pain generally occurs due to weak muscles in the lower back region and poor posture. Here are six exercises which will help you avoid it.

Superman pose

Engages the glutes and the lower back muscles. The pose should be held for a couple of seconds and repeated 10-12 times.

Glute bridge

It engages and strengthens the glutes and the hip extensor muscles. Exhale while raising the hips. The bridge position should be held for a couple of seconds and repeated 10-12 times.

Seated spinal twist

It increases the flexibility and mobility of the spine and the back muscles. Also helps in improving posture.

Knee-to-chest stretch

It stretches and reduces muscle stiffness in the lower back and hip region, and improves flexibility of the hips. Hold the position for 20 seconds and repeat three times.

Child pose

It stretches and relaxes the spine and the back muscles. The pose should be held for around 30 seconds and repeated a minimum of three times

Sphinx pose

It alleviates back pain by strengthening the spine and improving posture. Hold the position for a minute. Focus on body alignment and breathing. The back arch increases with regular practice.

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