7 foods to keep you cool and hydrated

Water-rich foods

Watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges are superstars in this category, boasting high water content to keep you cool and hydrated.


This herb has a natural cooling effect, making it a refreshing addition to meals or beverages during hot weather.

Coconut water

This natural electrolyte powerhouse replenishes fluids and minerals lost through sweating.


Rich in calcium and electrolytes, yoghurt offers a refreshing and hydrating snack that can aid in regulating body temperature.


This crunchy veggie is another water-rich option, providing hydration and essential vitamins and minerals.

Green leafy vegetables

Spinach, kale, and other leafy greens are packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants that help our body combat the effects of heat.

Coconut oil

While not directly hydrating, coconut oil may help regulate body temperature due to its unique  fatty acid composition.

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