Heart-healthy benefits of beetroot

Beetroots are rich in vitamins and minerals like folate, magnesium and potassium, which significantly contribute to heart health. Experts list some ways in which beets make the heart healthy.

Controls blood pressure

Beets are a rich source of dietary nitrate, which is effective in lowering hypertension. The nitric oxide also lowers cholesterol levels by widening the blood vessels, increasing blood flow.

Counteracts cell damage

Beetroot contains antioxidants and betalains (pigments having antioxidant properties), which fight cell damage and reduce the risk of heart conditions.

How to include beets in the diet?

While it’s best to have beets raw, they can be juiced or made into a smoothie or raita. Additionally, beetroot can be added to parathas or made into a soup.

A word of caution

People with low blood pressure should limit beetroot intake, as excess consumption can lead to gout or stones in the kidneys or gallbladder.

8 ways to keep your health healthy
