How to limit screen time for children this summer vacation

– Nandita Narayanan

Instead of abruptly cutting back on screen time or forcing kids to stop being glued to gadgets, set a screen time and ensure they participate in summer activities.

Limit screen time

A trip to a zoo, museum or any historical landmark will not only help teach the child catch up on facts, but also tickle the child's curiosity.

Plan a fun-filled edu-vacation

Engage in outdoor activties

Outdoor activities or enrolling kids in summer camps can improve their physical health. Their social skills also improve as they mingle with peers of different ages.

To help kids develop their artistic skills, try arts, crafts and DIY projects like building a solar system or an animal kingdom as a family activity during the summer.

Get crafty

Screen time reduces hobby participation among children. Keep their body and mind engaged by joining workshops for dancing, cooking, painting or libraries.

Enjoy a hob-tastic summer

By helping parents with home chores, children become aware of their surroundings. Developing life skills is also important. Take the kids to a bank to learn about money management.

Tap on life skills

Even though kids are on break from school, keep them involved in academics. During their screen time, encourage them to watch educational videos or enrol them in online courses.

Make time for e-learning

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