Holi skincare:  5 prep tips for glowing skin

Prep your skin for Holi with gentle exfoliation 1-2 times a week. This removes dead cells, allowing colors to wash off more easily and minimizing irritation from harsh pigments.

Exfoliation is key

Boost your skin's hydration with a rich moisturiser applied twice daily. Well-hydrated skin acts as a natural shield against the drying effects of colors and the harsh sun.

Moisturise like a pro

Don't let Holi be a sun-damage fest! Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher 20 minutes before stepping out, and reapply every two hours. Sun exposure can worsen color-induced irritation.

Sun safe

Before enjoying the festivities, coat your body and hair with coconut or almond oil. This creates a protective barrier, making colours easier to remove later and reducing their impact on your skin.

Nature has your back

Skip the make-up this Holi. It can trap colors, clog pores, and irritate your skin. Opt for a fresh-faced approach, or if needed, choose minimal, sweat-proof make-up.

Let your skin breathe

Post-Holi skincare tips
