Should you fast intermittently, like Zerodha’s Nikhil Kamath?

Recently, Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath discussed his intermittent fasting regimen. “I am doing intermittent fasting. I have been for a year or two years now. I try and do like 16 hours,” he said.

“I don’t eat till 2pm and coffee somehow suppresses my appetite. So, I have one coffee when (stock) markets begin at around 9am and then another by 12pm and it keeps me going till 2pm easily,” he added.

Coffee to the rescue

If you plan to restrict your calorie intake like Kamath, do it right. While fasting, stick to black coffee or tea, water or apple cider vinegar. There should be no sugar whatsoever in your diet.

Do it right

If you are unsure about intermittent fasting or if it will work for you, here are some known benefits. Also, remember to consult a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet.

Benefits of intermittent fasting

Periodic fasting has been shown to promote optimal health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, especially for overweight and sedentary individuals.

Promotes optimal health

Participants in an intermittent fasting trial experienced significant weight loss, lower blood sugar and improved lipid levels when fasting for 14 hours.

Weight loss and metabolic health

Intermittent fasting gives the body time to recover, rest and detoxify, aiding in clearing metabolic waste, restoring digestive health and preventing constipation.

Time for recovery and detoxification

Eating within specific intervals and aligning eating times with the body clock can be beneficial. One should ideally eat according to peak hunger times and in the early part of the day to avoid late-night binges.

Customizable eating windows

This eating plan does not restrict food types, allowing a variety of healthy options. The Mediterranean diet, rich in complex carbohydrates, leafy greens and lean proteins, is particularly beneficial.

Healthy food choices

Intermittent fasting positively influences various bodily functions, metabolism, weight regulation and cellular repair mechanisms, potentially improving sleep quality and circadian rhythm.

Improves sleep and circadian rhythm

Is intermittent fasting good for your heart?
