Sleep deprivation drains your brain

- Niveditha S

Sleep- an essential brain fuel:

A human brain is a machine that works tirelessly and just like the body, it too requires rest. Several brain functions are modulated during sleep helping it recuperate.

Attention catastrophe:

Lack of sleep makes the Para hippocampal region less active and affects task-related or selective attention throughout the day.

Neuronal fallout:

The neurons in the brain are exhausted due to continuous sensory cues, over time these neurons fail to form new neuronal connections that create memory.

Sluggish metabolism:

Sleep deprivation affects brain metabolic activity as there is an imbalance in energy consumption, affecting different brain regions including white matter.

Agitated emotions:

Sleep debt causes increased irritability, anger, and emotional imbalance as the amygdala circuitry of the brain weighs more towards negative stimuli.

Psychiatric disorders:

Lack of sleep takes a toll on the ability to process information bombarded continuously leading to several psychiatric diseases such as depression and anxiety.


Overworking of neurons leads to misconnections and death of the neurons in the brain leading to dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders.

Improper toxin flush-out from the brain:

Sleep deprivation affects the flushing out of toxins from extracellular fluids of the brain, leading to the accumulation of toxins and eventually degeneration.

Brain boosting effects of exercises
