Your guide to summer skincare

Summer heat can wreak havoc on your skin. Sun, wind, UV rays, and humidity all take their toll, leaving it dehydrated and vulnerable. But don't worry, with these simple steps, you can keep your skin protected, hydrated, and healthy.

Apply sunscreen often

Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen that offers at least SPF 30 since it shields your skin from UVA and UVB radiation and accelerated ageing.

Keep your skin moisturised

Summertime can still cause skin dryness even though the air is not as dry as it is in the winter. A lightweight moisturizer with SPF is a great choice, offering both hydration and sun protection.

Exfoliate once or twice a week

Exfoliation helps keep pores clear and blemishes at bay. However, if you're sunburned, it's best to wait for your skin to heal before exfoliating. Too much exfoliation can irritate even healthy skin.

Use sun-protective accessories and clothing

Sun-protective clothing and accessories are your first line of defense against sun damage. Hats and sunglasses shield your face, eyes, and skin, reducing your reliance solely on sunscreen.

Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables

Eating more greens, such as lettuce and cucumbers, help to cool the body down from the inside out. Seasonal fruits like citrus fruits, watermelon, and muskmelon contribute to the health of the skin.

5 home remedies for skin
