6 essential tests for smokers and quitters

Smokers, both past and present, are highly susceptible to various health complications. Experts suggest some tests for them to detect and prevent severe health problems at the earliest.

This test measures one’s lung function by checking the amount of air that’s inhaled and exhaled with ease and quickness. It's mandatory once a year for those between 40 and 65 years.


A chest X-ray helps detect any blockages in the blood vessels of the lungs and heart. It can also show congestion in the lungs.

Chest X-ray

Smoking makes one highly susceptible to heart attacks, blocked arteries and arrhythmias. Smokers (both active and passive) above the age of 40 must undergo regular ECG tests. 

Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)

Smokers may develop type 2 diabetes as well. This is because nicotine affects insulin sensitivity, disrupting the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels.

Blood sugar test

Smoking interferes with the body’s ability to absorb vitamin D. Low levels of it make smokers susceptible to bone and respiratory infections.

Vitamin D test

A CT scan can show in-depth images of the lungs. Those belonging to the age group of 50–80 years with a smoking history of 20 packs per year and those who have quit smoking within the past 15 years should undergo regular CT scans.

CT scan

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