Ways to hone your child’s emotional intelligence (EI)

– Deepali Mallya

Emotional intelligence in children can be nurtured. Parents, teachers and friends play a key role in helping the child enhance emotional intelligence.

Parents’ should model positive verbal and non-verbal behavior, being gentle and solution-oriented cultivates EI.

Model positive behavior

Talk to your child often. Ask them about their day. Listen to their stories actively.

Balance talking and listening

Maintain eye contact and actively engage in conversations by nodding your head and the like.

Express non-verbally too

Empathize with the child. Instead of judging them, ask how you can help.

Understand, don’t judge

Encourage good behavior and reprimand negative behavior immediately.

Address the good and the bad

Never engage in negative labeling. For example, don’t make statements such as “boys don’t cry.”

Discourage negative labeling

If your child is impulsive, teach them calming techniques such as counting from 1 to 10 when upset or angry.

Teach emotional control

Decode your child’s emotional intelligence
