10 ways to maintain your sleep hygiene

Good sleep hygiene is crucial for the mind and body to continue functioning well

Follow a consistent sleep routine:

Always sleep and wake up at the same time every day to create a sleep pattern for yourself


Use your bed just for sleeping:

By avoiding other activities, you attune your mind and body to fall asleep once you go to bed


Maintain a good sleep environment:

Good ventilation in the room, a comfortable mattress and soft bedsheets made of linen or cotton create the vibe essential for sleeping


Limit gadgets before bedtime:

The light emitted from gadgets can interfere with your sleep cycle. Put gadgets away at least an hour before sleeping


Get adequate sunlight:

Ample exposure to sunlight helps keep the circadian rhythm in check which is beneficial to those having disturbed sleep


Avoid alcohol/caffeine at night:

Stimulants like coffee, tea and energy drinks have caffeine in them that suppresses the production of the melatonin hormone required to sleep


Have an early dinner:

Eating late or having a minimal gap between dinner and bedtime increases the chances of indigestion and acid reflux. Two to three hours of gap is recommended


Ensure ample physical activity:

Staying active, be it walking, running, or stretching, for at least one hour during the day, helps you sleep better at night


Practice yoga nidra:

This guided relaxation and meditation practice involving breathing techniques helps achieve deep sleep


'Screen time linked to developmental delays in kids' - WHO
