4 ways to reverse baldness in men

Ensuring a protein-rich diet is crucial for hair growth. Food items like eggs, oats, sprouts and millets can help address baldness.

Include protein in your diet

Watch out for deficiencies

Vegetarians are likely to be deficient in vitamins B12 and D, which may cause hair loss. Those with severe deficiencies can take supplements under medical supervision.

Plasma to the recue

Combining platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with medications often leads to enhanced outcomes, synergizing their effects for more effective results in treating the condition.

Hair transplantation

Relocating hair follicles from one part of the scalp to another facilitates renewed hair growth. It doesn’t require repeated treatment cycles.

Future scope of treatment

Extensive research is being carried out on hair cloning. Integration of this technique can help replace damaged hair follicles with new ones.

9 medical tests for men over 40
