9 medical tests for men over 40

Check your BP

Check your blood pressure at home on a weekly basis and twice a year under a doctor’s supervision.

Check your blood sugar levels

Get your blood sugar levels checked every two to four years. If you’re under any treatment, the test must be done twice a year.

Serum cholesterol test

Doctors recommend a serum cholesterol test (also known as lipid profile) every five years. If the cholesterol levels are high, the test should be done every year.

Stool test

After 45, a stool test is recommended once every two years to check for signs of colorectal cancer. Doctors recommend sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy once in 5 and 10 years, respectively.

Prostate screening

After the age of 55, prostate screening, which includes the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, should be done every year.

Lung cancer screening

Smokers, both past and present, should get screened for lung cancer once every year.

Osteoporosis screening

Adults over the age of 50 should get screened for osteoporosis if they have a history of steroid use, low body weight, fractures or alcohol consumption.

Examine your eyes

It’s important to undergo an eye examination every three to four years. However, if you have diabetes, the test should be done annually.

Mental health check

It’s essential to get tested for depression and other mental disorders once you hit 40.

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