5 benefits of sleeping on the back

 - Rooplekha Das

Sleeping on the back, also known as supine sleeping, offers many benefits. Your sleep quality is directly related to your sleeping position.

Reduces back & neck pain

Reducing the pressure on your spine, sleeping on your back mimics standing up straight, helping the spine to rest & maintain its natural curve.

Reduce breakouts

By sleeping on your back, you can avoid face-to-pillow contact, which prevents the sebum & cosmetic residue from the skin and hair from transferring to the face from the pillowcases.

Prevents wrinkles

Laying your face directly on the pillow may result in pinch, pull, irritation & friction, causing lines and wrinkles on the skin.

Prevents headaches

Keeping your back, neck & spine in a neutral position takes the pressure off your head, improves neck alignment during sleep and prevents headaches.

Relieves sinus buildup

Sleeping with your head elevated helps drain the mucus and clear your airways. This prevents clogging of nasal passages and relieves congestion.

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