7 tips to manage allergies for better sleep

Allergen-proof the bedroom

Use dust mite-proof pillow and mattress covers, wash the bedding regularly in hot water and remove potential allergens (like pet dander) from the bedroom for a good night’s sleep.

Maintain a clean sleeping environment

Vacuum the carpets and dusty surfaces regularly and minimize clutter in the bedroom to prevent the accumulation of allergens.

Shower before bedtime

Taking a shower before going to bed can help remove any allergens from your skin or hair, preventing sleep disruptions.

Inhale steam

Steam inhalation helps reduce inflammation in the airways and clears nasal congestion, which can improve sleep quality.

Use air purifiers and humidifiers

While air purifiers can help remove allergens, humidifiers will keep the air moist, reducing nasal congestion.

Limit outdoor activities

Stay updated on pollen counts and limit going outdoors during peak allergy season. In addition, keep the windows closed to prevent allergens from entering the house.

Consult a doctor

If the allergy symptoms persist and significantly impact sleep quality, it is best to seek professional help. An allergist can provide personalized treatment, including medications, immunotherapy or other appropriate management strategies.

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