5 exercises to strengthen weak knees

People with weak knees can experience pain and reduced range of motion. Strengthening the surrounding muscles through targeted exercises can enhance stability and improve overall knee function.

Straight leg raises

Lying on your back, bend one knee, keeping the other leg straight. Lift the straightened leg a few inches off the ground, engaging the quads. Hold it for a few seconds and then lower it down. Repeat the same for the other leg.

Terminal knee extensions  

Tie a resistance band around a stable object. Loop it around the affected knee and slowly straighten it against the band’s resistance.

Partial squats

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend your knees, lower your body a few inches and then return to the starting position.


Find a step or platform. Step onto it with one foot, then step back down. Repeat the process, alternating your legs. Use a railing or wall for support if needed.

Hamstring curls

Lie on your stomach, bend your knees and bring your heels towards your buttocks, ensuring you feel a strong contraction in the hamstrings. Hold the position briefly and then straighten your legs.

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