6 exercises to strengthen your  glutes and hamstrings

Hip-extensors, comprising the glutes and hamstrings, facilitate movement through hip extension and flexion. They also contribute to improved stability and reduced stress on the lower back. Here are some exercises to strengthen these muscle groups.

Glute bridge

This exercise mainly targets the gluteal and core muscles, which keep the body erect and protect the hip joints.

Bird dog

It activates the glutes and hamstring muscles, improving stability and reducing stress on the lower back.

Hip thrust

This exercise can be done with weights or resistance bands. Besides strengthening the glutes and hamstrings, it also engages the core, quads and hip adductors.


They are a popular compound exercise that strengthens the quadriceps along with the hip-extensors.


They strengthen multiple muscle groups in the lower body and can be done with or without weights.

Romanian deadlift

This exercise primarily targets the hamstring muscles. It can be done with a barbell or two dumbbells.

8 exercises to strengthen core muscles
