Here are 5 things to know about walking under the sun

Sunlight exposure in the mornings raises the body temperature and suppresses the production of melatonin (sleep hormone), regulating the sleep-wake cycle.

Regulates circadian rhythm

The UV-B rays of the sun help in synthesizing vitamin D in the body. It improves bone health and promotes calcium absorption from the food.

Boosts vitamin D syntheses

Improves mental health

Sunlight boosts the production of serotonin – a feel good hormone that enhances the mood and reduces anxiety and depression.

When is the best time to walk in the sun?

If the aim is to get sun exposure to trigger vitamin D production, then the best time to walk in the sun is a few hours after sunrise. (around 9 AM)

Avoid long walks to prevent skin damage

Prolonged sun exposure can cause skin damage, sun burns, damage to retina, and certain types of cancers (skin cancers).


Intense heat can cause dehydration, heat strokes, and heat headaches. Use sunglasses whenever needed and carry rehydration drinks to replenish the lost water and electrolytes.

4 easy and effective ways to boost your vitamin D levels
