5 ways to sleep better with a defibrillator

Defibrillators or ICDs are life-saving devices that send shocks when an arrhythmia occurs. But, these devices can affect sleep, especially in the initial days. Following these techniques can help.

Choose the right sleep position

Avoid sleeping on your left side or on your stomach until you are used to the ICD implanted under your collarbone.

Focus on comfort

Use a pillow to provide inclination and redistribute the blood volume to help sleep better with the implanted device.

Maintain sleep hygiene

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule and bedtime routine. Optimize your sleep environment and incorporate sleep hygiene practices.

Manage stress

Manage stress by adopting relaxation techniques like meditation and spending some "me-time". You can also seek professional help if needed.

Lifestyle modification

Ensure optimal sleep at night by avoiding naps during the day and limiting your fluid and salt intake under the guidance of health professionals.

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