6 benefits of REM sleep

– Ipshita Ghosh

REM (rapid eye movement), a stage of slumber that begins 90 minutes after falling asleep, plays a vital role in promoting our overall well-being. Here are the key benefits associated with REM sleep.

Boosts memory

During REM sleep, the brain actively absorbs information acquired throughout the day, converting short-term memories into long-term ones. This makes it easier to utilize the information in the future.

Enhances emotional wellness

This sleep stage has a significant impact on our emotional well-being. Dreams occurring during REM sleep are often emotional, allowing us to connect with our hidden feelings and experiences.

Improves mood

Revisiting emotional memories during REM sleep plays a role in uplifting our mood and alleviating emotional distress, which improves our mental health substantially.

Unlocks creative problem solving

REM sleep allows the brain to explore alternative situations and possibilities. Dreams experienced during this stage can also provide insights and guide us toward solutions to complex problems.

Strengthens immunity

While REM sleep is primarily associated with psychological benefits, it also plays a role in physical restoration. This includes bolstering the immune system as well as muscle growth and repair.

Regulates hormones

REM sleep also helps regulate hormone levels, especially those relating to stress, metabolism and growth.

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