6 harmful effects of sitting cross-legged 

Spinal misalignment

The natural inward curve of the lumbar spine can flatten due to the rotation of the pelvis towards a particular side, causing spinal misalignment that can trigger muscle aches or pains.

Lower back strain

The curve in the lower back may become more pronounced or exaggerated, known as lordosis. This can strain the lower back muscles and ligaments.

Pain and sciatica

The strain on the muscles and ligaments can cause pain and stiffness. Sitting cross-legged can also compress the sciatic nerve, causing radiating pain, numbness and a tingling sensation in the legs and feet.


Being in the posture for prolonged periods can contribute to the development of scoliosis — a condition where the spine curves abnormally.

Varicose veins

The veins in the legs can also get compressed, increasing the risk of developing varicose veins.

Heart problems

Compressed veins resulting from this posture can impede blood flow, leading to clot formation. The clot can dislodge and reach the heart, causing complications.

Get rid of the habit

It’s crucial to consciously try changing the habit of sitting cross-legged and opt for postures where the load is equally distributed on the joints that bear it.

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