6 tips to prepare for a trek mentally and physically

The right mindset and physical conditioning are just as crucial for a trek as carrying essential gear. Be mentally prepared for the challenges, contingencies or emergencies that may arise.

Tip 1:

Consider factors such as the climate, terrain, difficulty level, and duration of the trek and ensure it matches your fitness level.

Tip 2:

If you are going for an easy trek lasting 3-4 hours, you should be able to walk continuously for 30 minutes. If you’re doing a longer trek lasting 10–12 hours, you need to be fitter. You should be able to jog 5km in 40 minutes.

Tip 3:

Ensure that you're physically prepared for your trek by engaging in activities such as brisk walking, interval walking, running and a strength training routines regularly.

Tip 4:

Be prepared for challenges caused by weather, too. Trekking in summer requires more effort than in the monsoon. Practice breathing exercises and ensure you are accustomed to the heat.

Tip 5:

Carry a small backpack, walking poles and two or more liters of water. Hiking boots, appropriate clothing, a tent, a sleeping bag, navigation tools, a first aid kit and food are also crucial.

Tip 6:

It is crucial to consider potential hazards or alternate routes while trekking and inform people of your plans. Practice responsible trekking by minimizing your footprint on the environment.

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