6 ways to deal with microsleep

Microsleep is a brief involuntary episode of sleep that lasts for a few seconds. During these episodes, the individuals experience a temporary loss of consciousness and awareness. Follow these steps to deal with microsleep.

Ensure good quality sleep

Get six to seven hours of sufficient and uninterrupted sleep and maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Following sleep hygiene is a must for restful sleep.

Engage in physical activity

Exercises like walking, jogging, and stretching can help reduce the production of hormones and improve metabolism. Exercise will help in reducing weight, too.

Avoid caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime

Consumption of coffee or aerated drinks before sleep time can lead to acid reflux and disrupt sleep. Melatonin production too will be reduced.

Keep gadgets away before sleeping

Blue light emitted from the gadgets can interfere with sleep cycle and individuals take more time to fall asleep. Keep the gadgets away an hour before sleeping.

Reduce stress

Stress increases cortisol levels and affects sleep. Practicing yoga can help reduce stress and anxiety in working professionals, thereby preventing microsleep.

Screen for sleep problems

Sleep disorders like insomnia, and apnea can lead to microsleep in individuals. Hence, if the sleep issues persist, it is better to seek the help of a health professional.

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