7 tips to help you quit smoking

According to WHO, tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year, Here are 7 tips that can help you quit smoking.

Find your motivation

The journey of quitting smoking depends upon your ability to stay motivated. Understanding your motivation will help you stay determined throughout the process.

Modify your environment

Try creating a ‘smoke-free’ environment to reduce temptation. Clean your workplace, living area and get rid of all traces of smoking.

Don’t be afraid of relapses

There are always chances for relapse, but it’s important to not get discouraged. Stay determined and try to identify and overcome the triggers.

Try to stay active

Practice deep breathing exercises, engage in physical exercises and perform yoga to improve your health and maintain hormonal balance.

Celebrate milestones

Celebrate your achievements and reward yourself with something meaningful like treating yourself with a favorite meal or going out, etc.

Connect with help groups

Surround yourself with understanding and encouraging people who can support your journey. Connect with help groups or others who are going through the same, share experiences and strategies.

Seek professional guidance

Sometimes quitting on your own can be extremely difficult. Take professional help from a pulmonologist and a psychiatrist who specialize in smoking cessation.

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