7 ways to boost memory

1. Jot it down

Note-taking engages visual, motor, sensory and cognitive parts of the brain, improving memory encoding and retrieval.

2. Total recall

Trying to remember items on the grocery list you wrote an hour ago trains the hippocampus and the temporal lobe to cement the memory

3. A puzzle a day

Brain games like crosswords recruit the prefrontal cortex, improving decision-making, memory, and overall cognitive fitness.

4. The magic of music

Learning musical instruments reorganizes grey matter in the brain, activating sensory processing, order memory and procedural memory networks

5. Picture the words

Creating mental images for words taps into the visual system and language areas. This allows to store information in two formats creating multiple memory retrieval routes

6. Hand-eye sync to excel

Exercise, sports and doodling enhance hand-eye coordination, producing dopamine and  norepinephrine in the brain to help consolidate memories

7. The number game

Number-crunching engages the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex to form working memory and reinforce executive control

6 buddies of the nervous system
