8 things to know about rehab exercises for rotator cuff injury

The rotator cuff plays a role in the shoulder movement. Overuse, repetitive arm movements, inadequate strengthening and muscle weakness and imbalance can cause injuries.

Rehabilitation for rotator cuff injuries involves a progressive approach that includes pain management in acute and chronic conditions, followed by exercises.

Progressive approach

In acute conditions modalities like icepacks or transcutaneous, electrical nerve stimulation are used to reduce pain and edema.

Acute conditions

In chronic situations, contrast bath therapy (taking baths in warm and cold water) as well as alternate heat and cold compressions are used.

Chronic situations

Exercises are crucial in the treatment of rotator cuff injuries as they strengthen the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint and enhance its stability and functionality.

Importance of exercises

Scapular retraction, depression, protraction, clocks and wall sides are commonly recommended for rotator cuff injury rehabilitation. Tears and strains can be avoided by focusing on scapular exercises.

Scapular exercises

Keep the arm relaxed and hang it down by the side. Let the arm sway in a small circles motion and gradually increase the size. It helps to move the shoulder joint through its range of motion.

Codman’s pendulum exercise

Stretching the shoulder capsule includes cross-body and behind-the-back stretches. This exercise improves circulation and gently mobilizes the shoulder joint, which can speed up the healing process.

Shoulder capsule stretch

The type of exercise to undertake depends on the severity of the injury and the strength of the muscles. It is crucial to consult a specialist to identify the ideal exercises for one’s specific case.

Consult a doctor

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