8 tips to perform your first pull-up

– Nataraj N

Being able to perform a pull-up marks an important milestone in one’s fitness journey. It signifies physical strength, embodying a harmonious blend of power and mobility.

Start with assisted movements

Begin by using resistance bands, an assisted pull-up machine or a partner for support. This will help you get accustomed to the movement while building strength gradually.

Build your grip strength

Hang from a bar (referred to as dead hang) to strengthen your grip. Start by hanging for 15–20 seconds, gradually increasing the duration.

Focus on the negatives

The term negative refers to the lowering phase of the exercise. Jump or use a platform to get your chin over the bar, then lower yourself down slowly. This eccentric movement helps build strength.

Incorporate rows and iso holds

Perform bodyweight rows using a bar, rings or a TRX to work the muscle groups involved in pull-ups. Try to hold yourself at the top of the pull-up position for as long as possible.

Perform lat pulldowns

The movement involved in the exercise simulates that of a pull-up. It helps strengthen important muscle groups, including the back and the arms.

Strengthen the scapula

Exercises such as hanging scapular retractions and barbell or dumbbell shrugs will help strengthen your scapular muscles.

Ensure full range of motion

Try to get as close as possible to the full range of motion while you train. This ensures you’re targeting the right muscles and developing strength for a complete pull-up.

Be patient and stay consistent

Progress will be gradual. So, be patient and aim for regular practice. Once you can perform negative pull-ups comfortably, reduce the assistance stepwise until you can complete a full pull-up.

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