Vitamin D: Are you in need of sunshine vitamin?

About 80%-90% of Indians and a majority of the global population is deficient in vitamin D.

This deficiency leads to a lack of calcium absorption, resulting in weak bones and joint pain.

It could result in lowered immunity, making them prone to frequent illnesses and infections.

Vitamin D deficiency can also affect your mood and lead to depression, as the function of serotonin — a hormone that manages mood and cognition — goes for a toss.

Research has shown that vitamin D deficiency also results in slower wound healing and low sex drive.

Morning walks are the easiest way to get vitamin D naturally. The body needs to be exposed to the sun for 10 to 15 minutes every day to soak in sufficient vitamin D.

Is sun the only source of vitamin D? About 20% of this vitamin can be derived from foods such as fish, egg yolk, mushroom, cheese, oranges and fortified milk.

4 easy and effective ways to boost your vitamin D levels

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