Desk exercises for those who sit for long hours

 - Athul Krishna

Prolonged sitting has many ill effects, including muscle stiffness and postural issues. By improving circulation and boosting energy levels, desk workouts help counteract these problems and reduce many health risks.

Chair squats

Get up from your chair and then sit down. Do so a few times to improve circulation and engage the leg muscles.

Leg raises

Raise and drop your legs while seated to strengthen the lower abdominal muscles and loosen your tight hip flexors.

Seated oblique twists

Sit up straight and twist the torso from side to side to activate your obliques and increase spinal flexibility.

Wrist rotation

Rotate your wrists clockwise and anticlockwise to improve mobility and prevent stiffness.

Ankle rotation

Rotate your ankles clockwise and anticlockwise to improve flexibility and circulation in the lower legs.

Breathing exercise

Deep, rhythmic breathing helps to reduce stress and increase oxygen flow for relaxation.

Desk essentials for workplace ergonomics
