Difference between EQ and IQ

Emotional quotient : The capacity to recognise, control, and analyse your own and other people's feelings is known as emotional intelligence, or EQ. Intelligence quotient: An assessment of cognitive skills including reasoning, logic, and problem-solving is called an intelligence quotient, or IQ. fe.

What they measure

IQ measures cognitive abilities like logic, reasoning, and problem-solving. EQ measures a person's emotional awareness, regulation, and social skills.

Nature vs Nurture

IQ is largely genetic and remains relatively stable throughout life. EQ is more influenced by upbringing and life experiences and can be developed over time.

Academic Performance

A high IQ is a better predictor of academic achievement and performance on standardized tests. EQ has less correlation with grades and test scores.

Life success

While IQ contributes to career potential, research shows EQ plays a bigger role in personal and professional success due to improved relationships and social skills.

Using them together

IQ and EQ work best in combination. Using cognitive abilities with emotional understanding leads to more effective problem-solving and decision-making.

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