5 ways to increase productivity at work

Do you find it perplexing and annoying when, even after eight hours at work, not all of your chores are completed by the end of the day? It's difficult to maintain a high level of productivity. don't worry— use these techniques to focus your attention and complete more tasks.

Create a better to-do list

Noting  25 tasks on your to-do list may leave you with several unattended tasks. People swear by the 1-3-5 rule for an empowering to-do list. Here, you finish a major task for the day, with 3 tasks of medium importance and 5 small tasks.

Focus on one task at a time

One task at a time! Multitasking kills focus and studies say our brains can't do it anyway. But here's a trick: say out loud you'll finish a task to boost completion chances.

Tune out distractions

Whether it's self-inflicted browsing or external noise, silence them all. Headphones, focused browsing, and "do not disturb" mode are your weapons.

Prioritise healthy habits

Getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, eating well, and exercising regularly outside of work go a long way in keeping you energised, focused, and positive at the office.

Don't burn out!

Contrary to belief, long hours often lead to mental fatigue. Step away for fresh air and short breaks. Try the Pomodoro Technique: work for 25 minutes, then break for 5 – it keeps your focus sharp!

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