Home remedies to aid digestion during the wedding season

Sprinkle some ginger powder in a glass of buttermilk and have it once or twice a day.

Embrace the ginger heat

Ginger contains gingerol, a phytochemical compound that stimulates gastric emptying, while the lactic acid in buttermilk helps neutralize stomach acid, enhancing digestion.

Blend basil leaves with water, then add honey to this mixture. Drink this concoction to get instant relief from indigestion.

Savor the basil aroma

Basil leaves help maintain the pH balance of the stomach, ensuring efficient digestion, while the honey helps flush out undigested food and other toxins from the body.

Drink coconut water to restore the electrolyte balance and maintain optimal functioning of digestive enzymes.

Soothe your stomach with coconut water

Manganese present in coconut water helps regulate your bowel movements and may also prevent gaseous abdominal distension, constipation and acidity.

Drink fennel tea or water infused with fennel seeds after your meal.

Fennel out indigestion

Fennel seeds help stimulate the production of gastric juices, which play a vital role in digestion.

Boost your immunity with these 3 essential nutrients
