Ill-effects of holding your urine

 - Ipshita Ghosh

Sometimes, due to the lack of proper or clean washrooms nearby, one has to resist the urge to urinate. But holding the urine for too long over a period of time leads to a number of health issues.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

More common in women, the different types of UTIs include infections of the urethra (urethritis), bladder (cystitis), kidneys (pyelonephritis) and vagina (vaginitis)

Dysfunctional bladder

If one holds their urine on a regular basis, it can weaken the bladder and affect its ability to function properly. Bladder dysfunction can damage bladder muscle over a period of time.

Kidney stones

When urine remains in the bladder, minerals and salts in it become concentrated, forming crystals and kidney stones over time. Incomplete bladder emptying can also cause kidney stones.

Sudden urine leakage

Gradually, individuals might lose bladder control and develop an overactive bladder. This might lead to sudden urine leakage and is quite common in middle-aged and elderly

5 common urological conditions in children
