9 ways to stay away from junk food

Presence of trans fats, added sugars and sodium content in junk can lead to a number of health complications. Here is 10 ways to avoid junk food

Don't stay hungry for long

Don't stay hungry for a longer duration so that you don’t overeat because of hunger


Regulate the portion sizes

Cut down on the portion size of your meals and snacks to avoid overeating


Eat something before stepping out

To avoid overeating at parties and dinners, eat something healthy and slightly filling before you step out.


Eat light

On days when portion control fails, keep the rest of your meals light


Plan your meals

Plan your meals for every day of the week and store the ingredients in that order


Eat in moderation

Snack on fruits and nuts in moderation to beat hunger pangs


Prefer homemade snacks

Have home-made healthy snacks and dips in moderation than having packaged snacks


Have a cheat day

Reserve a cheat day every week to satiate cravings but stick to a healthy diet during rest of the week


Have homemade drinks

Switch packaged fizzy drinks with homemade drinks like nimbu paani, jaljeera and masala chaas


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