How you can support mental wellness in older adults

As we get older, mental well-being becomes just as important as that morning cup of tea. Here are some zippy tips to keep your favourite seniors happy and thriving.

Encourage activities they enjoy, like gardening, painting, or reading. Keeping their minds active can boost mood and well-being.

Spark joy with hobbies

Connect them with their community. Help them join clubs, volunteer, or attend social events to combat loneliness and build connections.

Fight loneliness

Schedule regular visits, calls, or outings. Spending quality time shows you care and can significantly boost their mood.

Quality time matters

Encourage physical activity like walking, yoga, or dancing. Exercise is a powerful tool for overall wellness and mental health.

Get moving

Ask how they're feeling and truly listen. Offer understanding and support for any anxieties or stresses they may face.

Ask questions, listen actively

5 benefits of chanting mantra
