Summer grooming tips for dogs

– Chandni V

Summer days can be filled with dog-friendly adventures. It is important to understand your pooch's summer grooming routine to keep them clean and comfortable.

Brush your dogs

Daily brushing helps keep the mats away and keeps your dog cool. Mats are troublesome in summer as they retain moisture and irritate your pooch's skin. Brushing also removes dead hair.

Frequent bathing

In summer, you can bathe your dogs once in ten days. Baths remove dirt and other grime that cause skin irritation in dogs. Make sure to use a smooth, summer-friendly shampoo and avoid hot water baths.

Know the right coat length for your dog

Your dog requires trimming this summer, but don't cut their fur too short. A dog's coat acts as an insulator, and many dogs have a thick undercoat that helps them stay cool.

Clip your dog's nails

While trimming your dog's fur, you can also get their nails clipped. Experienced pet parents say that trimming is the best time to get this pesky thing done.

Paw balm and nose butter

Paw creams moisturize and protect dog paws and makes it less painful to walk on hot pavements or roads. A nose butter helps moisten their dry noses and keep them from drying or cracking.

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