12 ways to manage diabetes

Consume a low-carb diet

Reduce carbs to 50 percent of your total calorie intake and include more whole grains in your diet


Reduce sugar intake

Excess sugar consumption can cause weight gain, which in turn can elevate your blood sugar levels


Keep your weight in check

Reducing weight, especially abdominal fat, can help lower blood sugar levels. Fat accumulation in the liver can cause inflammation and trigger insulin resistance


Follow a balanced diet

Fill half of a nine-inch plate with non-starchy vegetables (like cabbage, carrots and cauliflower), a quarter with proteins and the other quarter with carbs, along with a glass of water or a zero-calorie drink


Exercise regularly

Exercise at least 150 minutes a week, including both aerobic (like walking, running and swimming) and anaerobic (resistance training) exercises


Maintain an active lifestyle

Try walking and taking the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. Doing household chores like mowing the lawn, taking out the trash or even walking your dog can help manage your blood sugar levels


Ensure adequate sleep

Inadequate or interrupted sleep can cause blood glucose fluctuations. Avoiding gadgets before bedtime and laying off coffee after 6 pm can help you get a good night's sleep


Reduce stress and anxiety

Stress triggers the release of stress hormones, which can affect your blood glucose levels. Hence, addressing mental health concerns is crucial for managing diabetes


Stay hydrated

Adequate hydration is essential for proper kidney functioning. It helps regulate blood sugar levels by flushing out excess glucose through urine


Avoid smoking

Smoking damages your blood vessels and affects blood flow to the pancreas. This directly impacts insulin secretion and blood glucose levels


Reduce alcohol consumption

Be cautious with alcohol, as it can cause sudden fluctuations in blood sugar levels and reduce the efficacy of some diabetes medications


Follow-up regularly

Check your blood sugar levels regularly and ensure routine follow-ups with the doctor to help prevent any further health complications


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