What urine colour tells you about your physical health

The colour, appearance and smell of your urine can be an important indicator of changes in your physical health

Colourless and transparent

There’s not much to worry about colourless urine. Sometimes, it may mean over-hydration. Decrease water intake to ensure electrolytes in the body are not diluted

Clear and pale yellow

This urine colour indicates that a person is well-hydrated and their body is functioning normally

Dark yellow

This is the colour of concentrated urine and could mean that a person is dehydrated or having liver issues. Severe dehydration can lead to acute kidney injury and renal failure


Certain tuberculosis medications and medicines given for burning sensation while urinating can turn the urine orange. It could also mean liver problems

Red or pink coloured

Consuming beetroot or red-dye-containing cough syrups may result in red or pink-coloured urine. However, a more concerning possibility could be the presence of blood in the urine

Cloudy or frothy

An excessive presence of pus cells or proteins in the urine can give it a cloudy appearance, which may be indicative of potential urinary tract infections (UTIs), diabetes or potential renal issues

Green or blue

Consuming foods with high levels of artificial colouring or taking specific pain or antidepressant medications can lead to a change in urine colour, resulting in a blue or green hue

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